Under the carbon build up this engine was as clean as you like.

New Beginnings


Welcome back if you used to browse these pages in the past, and welcome anew if it's your first time here. I thought it would be worth laying out exactly what this website is, and what my plans are for it going forward.


Under the carbon build up this engine was as clean as you like.

Locost: IVA Test and Finish Line


Its been about six months since I last posted and as always I have been squirrelling away in that time. My last article, posted back in May, covered aireld testing of the car and the uncovering of a few gremlins. Lets start there.


Under the carbon build up this engine was as clean as you like.

Locost: Airfield Testing


I get super nervous when it comes to things like this, logistics and towing always freaks me out. Getting the car to and from an airfield… on time… on a trailer… with all my tools and spares… there is plenty that can go wrong. Fortunately barely anything went wrong!


Under the carbon build up this engine was as clean as you like.

On Projects and Hobbies


I have been building and playing with my little car for almost thirteen years now. When I first started the project I envisioned having it on the road within three years (because I wasn’t going to be one of “those people”), driving it, racing it and moving on to better things. In hindsight: I was naive.


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